The recovery of set of compressed wood decreased with increases in compression set, heat treatment temperature, and time. 压缩木材之回复度随压缩量之增加、热处理温度之增高与时间之增长而降低。
The available energy loss of ASU lies in the gas compression, heat exchanging, distillation, and throttling depressurization process. 空分设备有效能损失主要存在流体的压缩与膨胀、热交换、精馏、节流减压。
Experiment on Two-stage Compression Air-source Heat Pump Water Heater 两级压缩空气源热泵热水器实验研究
In this paper, the latest performance evaluation of mechanical properties, thermal shock, compression and heat treatment for FGM is discussed in detail. 在此详细叙述了当前FGM的力学性能、热震性能、压缩性能和热处理性能的评价方法及实验手段,提出了FGM性能评价的发展方向。
In freeze drying in a refrigeration system, evaporator is conveying cooling equipment, in which refrigerant absorption compression air heat, to achieve the goal of dehydration and drying. 在冷冻干燥机的制冷系统中,蒸发器是输送冷量的设备,制冷剂在其中吸收压缩空气的热量,实现脱水干燥的目的。
THE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SINGLE-STAGE COMPRESSION REGENERATIVE REFRIGERATION CYCLE USING MIXED REFRIGERANTS Study on Characteristics of the Ejector in Quasi Two-Stage Compression Heat Pump Coupled with Ejector 混合工质单级压缩回热制冷系统的设计与性能分析准二级压缩&喷射复合热泵系统用喷射器的性能研究
Biogas engine-driven heat pump ( BHP) not only has the same functions of compression heat pump, but also can utilize the waste heat recovery from biogas engine. 由沼气发动机驱动的热泵(BHP)除能够保证一般热泵功能外,还能够充分回收利用沼气发动机的余热。
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Heating Operation of GSHP Performance of scroll compression ground source heat pump with R22 土壤源热泵机组冬季供热性能的数值模拟与实验研究R22涡旋压缩式地源热泵机组循环性能研究
By using micro electromechanical system ( MEMS) technology, a miniature vapor compression heat pump prototype is developed based on the optimized design of micro Wankel compressor without air outlet valve. 利用微电子机械系统技术,基于无排气阀微型三角转子压缩机的优化设计,研制了微型蒸汽压缩式热泵的样机。
Two-stage compression CO2 transcritical heat pump cycle with an expander is studied in order to find the ways and measures to improve the efficiency of the CO2 heat pump. 通过对双级压缩带膨胀机CO2跨临界热泵循环的研究,探讨了旨在提高CO2跨临界循环热泵效率的途径与措施。
The key techniques of the vapor compression heat pump for space use are discussed, which include microgravity two-phase heat exchangers, non-lubricated high-speed compressor etc. 分析了航天用蒸汽压缩热泵的关键技术,包括微重力相变换热器及其研究方法、无润滑高转速压缩机等。
According to economic and saving energy principles, a new type of compression ejection heat pump has been developed. 根据节能和经济两项原则,设计出用于海水淡化工艺的新型压缩-喷射复合泵;
The molecular chain fatigue failure mechanism of above curing systems was discussed from compression heat build-up, continuous chemical stress relaxation and intermittent chemical stress relaxation. Their failure characteristic parameters β and C0 were derived. 从生热、连续和间歇应力弛豫等行为上讨论了3种硫化体系共混物的疲劳断裂机理,并给出了各体系共混物疲劳断裂特征参数β和C0。
Study on a Kind of Compression Ejection Hybrid Heat Pump for Sea Water Desalination 海水淡化压缩-喷射复合型热泵研究
Vapor compression heat pump is a new concept of thermal control system and refrigerator for future space use. 蒸汽压缩热泵是未来大型航天器热控系统和制冷设备的新方案。
Impedance of cascade transformer comparison on performances of cascade heat pump and two-stage compression heat pump for freeze-dryer 串级变压器的阻抗复叠式与二级压缩式热泵冷冻干燥系统循环特性比较
Research on Vapor Compression Heat Pump for Space Use 航天领域蒸汽压缩热泵技术研究进展
The application of vertical U-type laying pipe ground source heat pump technology Performance of scroll compression ground source heat pump with R22 竖直U型埋管地源热泵技术的应用R22涡旋压缩式地源热泵机组循环性能研究
New Technique of On-line Automatic Scale Removal by Turbulent Flow with Spiral Compression Spring in Heat Exchanger 热交换器的螺旋压缩弹簧在线自动除垢扰流新技术
Gas Heat Pump ( GHP) is a kind of vapor compression heat pump driven by gas engine. 燃气机热泵是以燃气机作为动力来驱动的压缩式热泵。
Compare of the Absorption-Compression Heat Pump 单级压缩吸收式热泵系统的研究比较
Experimental study on the refrigeration compression heat for heat source of dry line 制冷压缩热为烘干线热源的实验与研究
The domain analysis with SEES showed that the migration of sulfur resulted in a transition layer with a special structure at the boundary, which was the key factor to decrease the dynamic compression fatigue heat build-up. 扫描电子能谱微区分析的研究表明:由于硫黄的迁移形成了具有特殊结构的界面过渡层.该过渡层是降低动态压缩疲劳生热的关键。
The software of cooling/ heat pump cycle analysis is developed, it can be used to calculate the single-stage vapor compression refrigeration/ heat pump thermodynamic cycle with 12 kinds of refrigerants. 开发了制冷机/热泵循环分析软件,可以实现采用12种不同工质的单级蒸气压缩式制冷机/热泵系统的热力循环分析计算。
Experiment of performance characteristics of a compression heat pump unit driven by a gas engine 风冷燃气机驱动压缩式热泵冷热水机组运行特性试验研究
There are problems of high temperature due to geothermy, air compression heat, oxidation heat and equipment heat in mines. How to deal with the high-temperature problem effectively has become an important topic that needs study immediately. 由于地热、空气压缩热、机电设备热、氧化热等多种热源的影响,越来越多的矿井将不可避免地出现高温,如何有效防治热害,已成为矿山职业健康与安全中亟待解决的重大课题之一。
The directions of these studies are as follows: a two-stage compression heat pump system, a quasi-two-stage compression heat pump system, a single and double stage coupled heat pump system, and a cascade heat pump system. 这些研究的方向有双级压缩热泵系统、准双级压缩热泵系统、单双级耦合热泵系统、复叠热泵系统。
This paper also analysis the specific way of heat recovery of compression type heat pump and absorption heat pump. 然后分别对压缩式热泵和吸收式热泵回收余热低位能的具体方式做了分析。
Mass, energy and momentum conservation equations are also applied to simulate thermal vapor compression and absorption vapor compression of the heat pump. 2. 应用动量方程、质量平衡方程和能量平衡方程分别建立了喷射式热泵和吸收式热泵的数学模型。2.对多效蒸发系统和热泵多效蒸发系统的热力性能进行了分析。
The main work of this paper is as follows: The attenuation characteristic of heating performance of conventional single-stage compression heat pump has been analysed. 本文的主要工作体现在如下几个方面:对普通单级压缩热泵供热性能的衰减特征进行了分析。